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Sustainability Considerations in Global Supply

As someone committed to reducing your carbon footprint you may try to favor buying local.  From my home in New York if we strictly purchased local there would be no coffee, no bananas, and no Champagne!  Some agricultural crops are latitude specific (only growing in farming regions at the right distance from the equator).

Champagne is only produced in the Champagne region of France where there is a unique cool climate, timely rainfall and chalky soil deposits that yield juice heavy grapes to make the world’s most beloved beverage.  To enjoy Champagne outside of France we must send it on a pleasure cruise across the ocean, there is no way around it.  

Rêveuse Champagne only travels from France by sea and never by air.  There are many online calculators that compare the carbon emissions of sea vs high air freight and sea is always substantially lower.  According to MIT sea freight emits 47 times less CO2 than air freight.  Another study from Defra in the UK showed 5000kg of goods shipped by sea created 150kg of CO2 while the same load and distance by air created 6605kg of CO2!

Shipping by sea takes a lot longer than air freight so to depend on sea freight alone we plan our inventories a year ahead.  Sea freight is also more cost effective so it is good for business and good for the environment.  

While sea freight is the most efficient form of transport, the shipping industry is still taxing on the environment and needs to change to lower emission fuel sources to meet the targets set by the Paris Climate Accord.  In the meantime we are committed to offset the carbon of our shipments by supporting deforestation projects so that we are considered to have carbon neutral international freight.  

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